Leah Walton

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2016 HEROISM for a woman whose heroic spirit was tested and shown as a model to all in Shelby County and beyond: Leah Walton At birth, she was given the name Dylan, a name befitting the handsome little boy she was. Today she is Leah. Dylan always felt different. As a child …

Rebecca Terrell

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2017 HEROISM for a woman whose heroic spirit was tested and shown as a model to all in Shelby County and beyond: Rebecca Terrell As the executive director of CHOICES: Memphis Center for Reproductive Health, Rebecca Terrell daily faces the ever-present danger that accompanies leadership of an agency that, in addition to …

Ines Negrette

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2017 DETERMINATION for a woman who solved a glaring problem despite widespread inertia, apathy or ignorance around her: Ines Negrette Ines Negrette immigrated to the United States from Venezuela in 1999 and settled in Memphis in 2000 with her husband and two sons. An attorney with experience in Venezuela as a public …

Vanessa Luellen

Women of Achievement 2012 COURAGE for a woman who, facing active opposition, backed an unpopular cause in which she deeply believed: Vanessa Luellen Vanessa Luellen’s neighborhood was being taken over by drug dealers, vandals and prostitutes. Vanessa experienced that and knew someone had to do something about it. Vanessa knows the troubles on the streets …

Africa Gonzalez

Women of Achievement 2009 COURAGE for a woman who, facing active opposition, backed an unpopular cause in which she deeply believed: Africa Gonzalez As director of Immigrant Women’s Services for the Memphis YWCA, Africa Gonzalez can find herself in tense and difficult situations, facing angry husbands or clerics, neighbors or community members intent on their …

Corinne Derenburger

Women of Achievement 2008 COURAGE for a woman who, facing active opposition, backed an unpopular cause in which she deeply believed: Corinne Derenburger In 1994, Corinne and Todd Derenburger’s third child, Ryan, was born. His birth was difficult. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. From the first, his mother knew something was wrong. …