Mahaffey White

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2005 INITIATIVE for a woman who seized the opportunity to use her talents and created her own future: Mahaffey White Throughout her 90 plus years, Mahaffey White has used her initiative to move through a variety of artistic careers. Dress designer, art teacher, jewelry maker, photographer – who knows what’s next? Her …

Nadia Matthews

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2015 INITIATIVE for a woman who seized the opportunity to use her talents and created her own future: Nadia Matthews As a high school student Nadia Matthews saw many of her peers headed the wrong direction, hanging out in gangs, becoming involved with drugs, getting into fights. She was determined not to …

Barbara King

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2015 STEADFASTNESS for a woman with a lifetime of achievement: Barbara C. King Barbara King turned a volunteer slot with a local children’s charity into a career dedicated to helping abused children reclaim their lives. Under her steady hand, the Exchange Club Family Center has grown sevenfold into one of the premiere …

Kamekio Lewis

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2017 INITIATIVE for a woman who seized the opportunity to use her talents and created her own future: Kamekio Lewis Intimate partner violence is a phrase social services and law enforcement use to talk about the abuse perpetrated in marriage or “romantic relationships.” More often it’s covered by the phrase domestic violence. …

Claudia Haltom

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2016 DETERMINATION for a woman who solved a glaring problem despite widespread inertia, apathy or ignorance around her: Claudia Haltom Claudia Haltom grew up in rural East Tennessee where she witnessed the effects of poverty on local families. After graduating from UT-Knoxville, she studied law, following in the footsteps of her mother, …