
DOWNTOWN 1. LaVerne Tolley Gurley (1918-2015), UTHSC campus, Madison & Manassas. Challenged to earn a living after her husband became seriously ill, Gurley enrolled in 1951 at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in the Roentgen Ray Technology Program, now known as Radiologic Technology. That certification launched a 45-year distinguished teaching and research career in nuclear …

Memphis Women’s Legacy Trail

The Memphis Women’s Legacy Trail is a project to document, remember, and celebrate the women of Memphis, Tennessee that have made a lasting impact on the city through their work and lives. Compiled by Dr. Beverly Bond, Dr. Margaret Caffrey, Judy Card, Deborah Clubb, Dr. Gail Murray, Jimmy Ogle, and Laura Todd, the brochure and information is …

Wanda Taylor

Women of Achievement 2018 INITIATIVE for a woman who seized the opportunity to use her talents and created her own future: Wanda Taylor Born to parents who battled long-term alcohol and drug addiction, and raised in LeMoyne Garden and Claiborne Home housing projects, no one who knew her as a child and teenager would have …

Lois DeBerry

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2018 HERITAGE for a woman whose achievements still enrich our lives: Lois DeBerry Born in Memphis on May 5, 1945, Lois DeBerry grew up in the Bunker Hill neighborhood of South Memphis and graduated from Hamilton High School. During the 1960’s she took part in the Civil Rights Movement, despite her parents’ …

Tami Sawyer

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2018 HEROISM for a woman whose heroic spirit was tested and shown as a model to all in Shelby County and beyond: Tami Sawyer The shooting of Trayvon Martin 6 years ago was a transformative moment for Tami Sawyer. She was then living in Washington, D.C. and working as a diversity analyst …

Kamillia Barton

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2018 COURAGE For a woman who, facing active opposition, backed an unpopular cause in which she greatly believed: Kamillia Barton Kamillia Barton survived a traumatic childhood, found the courage to escape an abusive marriage, and has gone forward to become a fighter in the battle to help others struggling to remove themselves …

Martha Ellen Maxwell

WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT 2014 STEADFASTNESS for a woman with a lifetime of achievement: Martha Ellen Maxwell In a lifetime of service to the Memphis community – paid and voluntary – Martha Ellen Maxwell was a key engine in many landmark projects, particularly in the performing and visual arts. Born Dec. 9, 1928, in Dyer, Tennessee, …