Dinia Cruz

Women of Achievement 1990 HEROISM for a woman whose heroic spirit was tested and shown as a model to all in Shelby County and beyond: Dinia Cruz More than five years ago, Dr. Dinia Cruz, a pediatrician educated in her native Philippines and in New York, left the Memphis and Shelby County Health Department and …

Cora Price Taylor

Women of Achievement 1993 HERITAGE for a woman whose achievements still enrich our lives: Cora Price Taylor When Cora Price Taylor was appointed principal of the Manassas School in 1909, the facility provided education only through the eighth grade and was housed in inadequate, overcrowded facilities. When her tenure ended some 20 years later, the …

Mary Treadwell, Georgia Harry and Patricia Walker Shaw

Women of Achievement 1989 HERITAGE for a woman whose achievements still enrich our lives: Mary Treadwell, Georgia Harry and Patricia Walker Shaw To the casual observer the similarities in the three women honored this year as recipients of the Heritage award may seem superficial. But Patricia Walker Shaw, Mary Harry Treadwell and Georgia Harry were …

Selma Lewis

Women of Achievement 1993 STEADFASTNESS for a woman with a lifetime of achievement: Selma Lewis This quiet, modest woman has spent her adult years making life better for Memphis and Memphians, along the way affecting the entire nation. Championing the causes of better race relations, better social services and the arts, Selma Lewis has led …

Alberta Gaines

Women of Achievement 1992 STEADFASTNESS for a woman with a lifetime of achievement: Alberta Gaines Alberta Gaines has dedicated her life to improving the lies of people across Shelby County. As a young woman from Port Royal, Tennessee, she first took her UT-Knoxville B.S. degree in home economics into Tipton, White and Hardin public schools …

Ellen Correll

Women of Achievement 1991 STEADFASTNESS for a woman with a lifetime of achievement: Ellen Correll Now in her nineties, Ellen Correll has spent a lifetime working quietly for inter-racial and ecumenical harmony. Born and raised in Memphis, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Wisconsin in 1922. She spent the next two years …